Mastering the Bandeja in Padel: A Complete Guide

Are you looking to elevate your padel game and add finesse to your shots? Mastering the bandeja could be the key to unlocking a new level of play on the court.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of the bandeja shot in padel, offering valuable tips and techniques to help you perfect this essential skill.

Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player seeking to refine your technique, read on to discover everything you need to know about the bandeja in padel.

What is the Bandeja?

The bandeja is a versatile shot in padel that is commonly used to control the tempo of the game and create opportunities for offensive play. It is executed as a high forehand or backhand volley, typically hit with slice or topspin, aimed at sending the ball deep into the opponent's court with precision and accuracy.

The bandeja is often employed as a defensive shot to neutralise opponents' attacks or as an offensive shot to set up winning opportunities.

Key Techniques for Executing the Bandeja

Grip and Stance

  • Grip: Hold the padel racket with a continental grip, positioning the thumb on the backside of the grip and the index finger on the edge of the racket face.

  • Stance: Adopt a balanced and stable stance with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and body weight evenly distributed on the balls of the feet.

Swing and Contact

  • Backswing: Initiate the swing by bringing the racket back behind the body, keeping the racket face open and the non-dominant hand guiding the shot.

  • Contact: Make contact with the ball at waist height, slightly in front of the body, using a smooth and controlled motion. Aim to strike the ball with a slight downward angle to generate backspin and control.

Follow-Through and Finish

  • Follow-Through: Extend the racket arm fully towards the target, maintaining a firm wrist and a relaxed grip throughout the shot.

  • Finish: Complete the shot with a fluid follow-through, allowing the racket to continue its natural path towards the target and the body to rotate smoothly towards the net.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overhitting: Avoid swinging too aggressively or attempting to overpower the shot, as this can lead to errors in timing and control.

  • Lack of Rotation: Ensure proper rotation of the body and shoulders during the swing to generate power and accuracy.

  • Incorrect Footwork: Focus on moving efficiently and positioning yourself correctly to set up the shot, using small steps and quick adjustments as needed.

Drill and Practice Tips

  • Solo Practice: Work on your bandeja technique by practicing against a wall or rebound board, focusing on consistency and accuracy.

  • Partner Drills: Incorporate bandeja drills into your practice sessions with a partner, alternating between defensive and offensive scenarios to simulate real-game situations.

  • Match Play: Apply your bandeja skills in match play situations, experimenting with different shot placements and strategies to find what works best for you.


The bandeja is a fundamental shot in padel that can greatly impact your performance on the court. By mastering the key techniques and practicing consistently, you can develop the confidence and proficiency to execute the bandeja with precision and finesse. Whether you're defending against opponent attacks or seizing opportunities to take control of the game, the bandeja is a valuable weapon in your padel arsenal. Incorporate these tips and techniques into your training regimen, and watch your game reach new heights on the court.

Zaeem Jafri

Founder of Nova

General and cosmetic dentist based in London


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